
CWF Precision Temperature Senor

That combining the high precislon,Sensitive and security NTC Thermistor with PVC wire,packing into the needed shape with the insulating,heat-conduction and water-protection material will be convenient for installation and long-distance temperature measurement and contro.

NTC Core Element Senor

2020 fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia-"heroic product",good quality and large volume!
中江县| 郴州市| 河津市| 庆城县| 怀来县| 永春县| 汕头市| 罗江县| 武威市| 方正县| 理塘县| 育儿| 淅川县| 莫力| 七台河市| 罗平县| 拉萨市| 永善县| 连平县| 义马市| 邯郸县| 湘潭市| 广昌县| 马山县| 连城县| 防城港市| 丹江口市| 蓬溪县| 冀州市| 东城区| 中西区| 松滋市| 象州县| 涿州市| 绥棱县| 莱州市| 阿勒泰市| 霸州市| 新平| 霍城县| 达州市|